Clifton Arts Club 100th Open Exhibition

The watercolour painting "Skratchen Dent Furniture" by Peter Bowen is awarded Selectors Choice at the Clifton Arts Club 100th Open Exhibition. From over 540 entries the selection committee chose to hang 320 paintings. "It's very encouraging to see that fine art illustration is accepted and recognised as art in an exhibition like this" said Stan Drew a collector of fine art, "this lovely watercolour painting by Peter Bowen is an example of what talented artist's in the Bristol area are capable of producing and it's good see that the Clifton Arts Club continues to support the artists in this community". Skratchen Dent Furniture by Peter Bowen wins Selector's Choice award 2008 A careful drawing was first produced that worked out all of the detail components and then this was inked in with a fine tip pen, taking care to draw in items which are behind other items first and then when the whole drawing is inked it is left to dry for several days....